Our Kickstarter Backers!
We are so grateful for all of those that backed the Kickstarter campaign.
Their support has made this project possible.
(in alphabetical order)
Aaron L
Adam & Tracey Humphries
Alistair Clough
Ana Cecilia
Andrew & Belinda Robinson
Andrew Lim
Andrew McKenzie
Andy May
Anita V Boyne
Annie Phelan
Anthony Andreazza
Bec John
Ben Whimpey
Bernadette Camilleri
BPC Mainly Music
Brett Cummins
Michelle White
Chris Bowditch
Chris Gatt
Christian Martinu
Christian Tirtha
Christo Viljoen
Cindy Lau
Daniel Dixon
Dave Peall
Dave Yeates
Deb Rowling
Elizabeth Woollacott
Emily Ridgewell
Emmanuel & Marie Clare Azali
Enchelmaier family
Eugene Wong
Fiona Haynes
Gary Ware
Hannah Boland
Heather & Ross Henson
Heidi, Reuben, Zach, Hugo & Nina
Heng Ferretto
Ian & Kerryn Conabere
James and Carolyn Punton
James M
James Rector Image 360 Studios
James Sharman
James, Kristie-Ann & Jaden
Jane K
Jannah Walton
Jared & Karen Lee
Jarrah & Lynley Muller
JD Bonner
Jenny Keck
Jesse & Bec Walz
Jessica Martin
Jessica Orange
Jessica Tivendale
Jewell family
Jo Cummings
Joan & Michael Anderson
Joel & Magdalena
John Donald
Jordan Adrian
Jordan & Samantha Smith
Jordan Brereton
Kate & Phil W
Kate Whitehand
Katelyn & Angus L
Kayla Munroe
Kieran Carr
Kylie peterson
Lawrie & Beryl
Louisa Pfitzner
Louise Waller
Luke & Katherine Brownley
Luke & Megan
Lyn & Geoff Easton
M & A Deeming
Manny & Yenny Boeing
Marcy Paynter
Mardi Easton
Mathew & Suzanne Walker
Matt D
Matt Deroon
Matthew O’Reilly
McClaer Family
Melissa Lewis
Michael Ellis
Mieke van Tricht
Mikey Bayliss
Montana Ellis
Nadia Burt
Naomi White
Neil & Jayne Chanbers
Nick Price
Nicola/Wilson Family
Paul and Mel Jessop
Philip Harslett
Power family
Ps. Aaron & Jacqui Kelly
Rachel Wellard
Raul Perez
Rob Robertson
Robert Fisher
Rolley Family
Russell & Rachel Smith
Sam Chan
Sanctuary Corner Port Pirie
Sarah Holdsworth
Shebu John
Simon Hill
Stephen Dyer
Stephen Jones
Stephen McDonald
Suzanne C
Tamara Webb
The Family Discipleship Bible
The Gear Girls
The McIntosh family
The Miranda Family
Tim Witham
Timothy Camilleri
Todd Sprague
Tony Archer
Vic Camilleri
Vince Bradbery
Wade Dyer
Zoe Sum
As well as 53 other backers!